Our full-day LTNS Kindergarten program is designed to be for children who are eligible for kindergarten in their home school district.  At the completion of kindergarten, the child’s teachers and parents will decide together whether the child will attend their local public school as a kindergartener or first grader based on growth and progress. 

The LTNS Kindergarten will be academically aligned with the local public schools but will also incorporate many of the aspects that make LTNS the inspiring and developmentally appropriate school that we are so proud of.  This includes process-oriented art experiences, project-based learning, emergent curriculum based on the interests of the children, and inspiration from the Reggio Emilia philosophy.

We have intentionally selected curriculums that are easily differentiated to meet the needs of a variety of learners and are aligned with NY State Standards.  The class, which has been kept to a small number of children, is co-taught by teachers who are experienced and dually certified in General Education and Special Education. This allows us to meet the children where they are and to tailor the curriculum to meet the needs of each child.  Please see below for more information on the activities that make up the day.

Writer’s/Reader’s Workshop:

We will follow the Columbia University Reading and Writing Project.  Mini-Lessons will be a mixture of whole group, individual, and small group.  Each child will work on their own goals and at their own pace.  During Writer’s Workshop, some children may be experimenting with representation pictures to tell their stories, while others are traditionally writing and adding spaces between words.  During Reader’s Workshop, children will shop for levelled “Just Right Books”.  Teachers will conference regularly with each child to help define learning goals and to help children progress steadily.


Our LTNS Kindergarten will use the Bridges math program, a manipulative based program that is also easily differentiated to meet children at their own level.  Math workshops will include, whole, small group, and individual mini lessons and will allow the children to work collaboratively to solve problem, play games, and become mathematical thinkers.


We believe that play is the important work of children and our kindergarteners will have choice time (worktime) every day.  Deeply layered learning will be woven into the self-selected activities of choice time.  These activities will include painting, block building, sensory experiences, light and shadow play, dramatic play, and more.

Social Studies:

Our Social studies curriculum with follow the NY State recommendations and will include a self-study, a family study and a school study.  Within these overarching themes, the social studies curriculum will be emergent, with particular focus on aspects of these studies that are most interesting to the children.


The science program will also align with NY State Standards and will be woven into organic, scientific experiences.  The children will gain scientific knowledge while playing in the classroom, exploring outside, and in their regular classroom routines.

Additional Enrichment:

Our LTNS Kindergarten will have Music, Yoga, Art Studio, BOLD arts dance and Sports weekly.  They will have access to the playground and all indoor gross motor spaces as well. In addition, the class will work regularly with our Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist.

The class will take regular walking trips that connect meaningfully to the classroom curriculum.
